The Israeli Public Council for Press and Ethics
The Israeli Public Council for Press and Ethics is an independent, non-governmental body that strives to promote the highest standards of journalism in Israel. Our mission is to ensure that the Israeli press is fair, accurate and responsible in its reporting. We strive to ensure that the press is held accountable for its actions and serves the public interest above all else. We are committed to protecting the rights of all journalists and the public's access to accurate and reliable information. We also strive to protect the public from unethical practices by media outlets. We believe that a free and responsible press is an essential factor in a healthy democracy.
The Israeli Public Council for Press and Ethics aims to promote the free flow of information and ideas, to ensure the freedom of the press, to protect the public's right to accessible information, to promoting accuracy, fairness and balance in the media, to protecting the public from unethical journalism that is conducted irresponsibly, and to ensuring the highest standards of professional and ethical journalism.
Council Members
The Israeli Public Council for Press and Ethics supports the promotion of press freedom and regard for the public interest in journalism by the media outlets in Israel. We strive to ensure that all media in the country meet the highest ethical standards and that journalists are given the necessary tools and protection so they can preform their jobs safely and responsibly. Our mission is to ensure that the Israeli public receives reliable and accurate information in a timely manner. We are committed to maintaining the principles of freedom of the press and providing the means through which the public can express their concerns regarding media coverage. We look forward to working with all media outlets to ensure free and vibrant journalism in Israel. The members of the Public Council for Journalism and Ethics are public representatives with comprehensive and relevant knowledge of the world of media and ethics in Israel and fulfill their role on a voluntary basis